
Fisheries & Aquaculture, Research, Seafood Products & Safety, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2010

From Discovery to Market

Virginia Tech’s Zhiyou Wen is looking for a way to capitalize on a chance connection between the biodiesel industry and the demand for omega-3 fatty acids. Algae that grow on waste glycerol from biofuel production can turn that byproduct into omega-3s for use in a variety of foods and nutritional products.

Fisheries & Aquaculture, Healthy Ecosystems, Regional Sea Grant RFP, Research, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Fall/Winter 2008

Teaming Up

The movements of tiny fish larvae could hold the key to understanding the dynamics of fisheries in the Delaware and Chesapeake bays. A group of Sea Grant researchers from Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware are studying the oceanographic and biological forces that control when and how larval fish enter our estuaries.

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