Award Management
For Funded Researchers
Congratulations on receiving a grant or fellowship through Virginia Sea Grant! As a funding recipient, you have additional opportunities and are responsible to abide by a number of guidelines and requirements to ensure the continuation of your grant.
Reporting: Progress Reports and Final Reports are extremely important for describing the impacts, accomplishments, products, and outreach that were accomplished during the life of a project. All funded projects must submit reports according to their assigned schedule. Reports are submitted via VASG’s eSeaGrant system. Existing grantees should use their email login generated by the system. Please use the forgot password link on the eSeaGrant login page to reset your password. If you are unable to request a new password or need additional assistance, please contact Lisa Eddy, Competitive Research and Education Coordinator, at or 804-684-7358.
Attributions: Sea Grant-funded (or supported) projects require attribution and funding acknowledgment. See information below including downloadable logos and guidance for attributions and disclaimers regarding funding from Sea Grant.
Publication notification and reprints: Please notify us when Sea Grant-funded (or partially Sea Grant-funded) work will be published. Please include full citation and send us a pdf of the publication when it is available. Contact VASG Communications for further information.
Resources for Awardees
For guidance and related information on Virginia Sea Grant’s Graduate Research Fellowship, refer to the documents included below.
- Tips and Guidance for Successful Fellow-Mentor Relationships
- Graduate Research Fellowship Expectations
- Terms & Condition Regarding Re-budgets, No-cost Extensions and Graduation
- Terms & Condition for Notification Requirements Regarding Dismissal or Suspension
- Title IX & Fellowships
- Personal Information Use Policy
- No Cost Extension Letter Template
- Guidelines for Data Management Plans
- 90-4 Budget Form (Zip File)
For more information on managing your project, please contact us at
Reporting and Guidance
Principal investigators are required to provide Virginia Sea Grant with progress, completion, and post-completion project reports, which are used in program management at the state, and national levels. These reports are used to evaluate the progress and accomplishments of Virginia Sea Grant’s project, and to meet the national reporting requirements of the National Sea Grant Program Office.
Report templates and instructions are provided to the principal investigator in advance of the due dates. National Sea Grant reporting requirements can change annually, and those changes will be reflected in the Virginia Sea Grant reporting guidance, and on the Virginia eSeaGrant reporting system.
Attribution to Virginia Sea Grant
Acknowledging support is important to let the scientific community and other key audiences know that the research VASG and NOAA fund is producing results. We request that you make these attributions by referring to us in publications, reports, websites, videos, etc., and by reproducing VASG’s logo, using the following guidance.
Per the DOC’s Standard Terms and Conditions, NOAA and VASG require funding recipients to credit financial assistance where appropriate. Acknowledging Sea Grant support is important to let the academic community and other key audiences know that the projects VASG funds are producing results.
VASG requests that you make these attributions by referring to DOC, NOAA, and VASG in publications and by reproducing VASG’s logo, using the following guidance and resources available on our website.
Attribution Statement/Disclaimer for Publications
Papers in scientific, technical, or professional journals must include language mirroring the following within the acknowledgment section when support by VASG (i.e., publications, reports, and products produced as a result of the activities outlined in the proposal; journal articles and reports authored by the fellow while they are receiving funds to support their stipend; etc. require the following acknowledgment). Please replace the bracketed items with the appropriate information.
This [publication, report, website, video, etc.] was prepared by [recipient/author’s name] using Federal funds under award [NOAA Award/Grant #_______], Virginia Sea Grant College Program Project [VASG Project #______], from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Sea Grant College Program, U.S. Department. of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Virginia Sea Grant, NOAA, or the U.S. Department of Commerce.