
Fisheries & Aquaculture, News, Research, Seafood Products & Safety, Uncategorized

A Better Way to Treat Bacteria in Oysters

Virginia oyster growers and researchers found that simply moving oysters to saltier waters before harvest is just as effective at reducing Vibrio as more costly treatment methods, such as high-pressure treatment or low-dose radiation. Local growers secured research funding through Virginia Sea Grant’s partner Fishery Resource Grant Program and may have found an alternative treatment that could save time, money, and jobs.

Research, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2011

Coastal and Marine Science Research Projects

Twelve projects researching Virginia’s coastal and marine environments will receive financial support through Virginia Sea Grant’s research program. The funding totals $535,899, with about $192,000 supporting graduate students, $233,000 supporting preliminary investigations, and $111,000 supporting large-scale research. Read more about all of our research projects and funding opportunities.

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