
Coastal & Ocean Literacy, Coastal Communities, Education, News, Uncategorized

UVA Bay Game Gives Students a Stake in the Bay

What should farmers be doing to improve the health of Chesapeake Bay? How about watermen? And regulators?

The UVA Bay Game is a large-scale simulation that allows players to take the perspectives of these and other stakeholders in the Bay region. In honor of Earth Day 2011, on April 22, students at seven universities in the region gathered on their home campuses and communicated with each other through internet videoconferencing for a little bit of friendly competition and a lot of learning.

Fisheries & Aquaculture, News, Research, Seafood Products & Safety, Uncategorized

A Better Way to Treat Bacteria in Oysters

Virginia oyster growers and researchers found that simply moving oysters to saltier waters before harvest is just as effective at reducing Vibrio as more costly treatment methods, such as high-pressure treatment or low-dose radiation. Local growers secured research funding through Virginia Sea Grant’s partner Fishery Resource Grant Program and may have found an alternative treatment that could save time, money, and jobs.

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