Consider submitting an abstract to the CERF 2011 conference session SCI-080, Science Serving Coastal Communities: Research translated to management actions.
Coastal communities look for science to help answer pressing environmental and socioeconomic questions. Yet, there are many challenges to providing decision-makers with research results that are timely and at relevant scales.
Virginia Sea Grant Assistant Director for Research Susan Park is looking for successful, real-world examples of science that has been translated to on-the-ground actions. Whether your research has been used to address marine spatial planning, ecosystem-based management, climate change adaptation, or another topic important to coastal communities, Park and the session’s co-conveners would like to hear from you.
Researchers who are interested in presenting how their scientific results translated into policy and management results should submit an abstract through the CERF 2011 website, and select session SCI-080.
CERF 2011, the biennial conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, will be held in Daytona Beach, FL, on November 6-10, 2011.
For more information, see the CERF 2011 website. Or submit an abstract online.