
Coastal Communities, Fisheries & Aquaculture, News, Seafood Products & Safety, Uncategorized

Would a Community Supported Fishery Work in Virginia?

When you think of eating local, what foods fill your imaginary plate? Maybe you think of vegetables and eggs, but what about fish? Would you even know where to find locally caught or farmed seafood if you wanted it? This spring Virginia Sea Grant will lead a team to determine whether it would make sense for local seafood producers could bring their catch to a community supported fishery.

Extension, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Uncategorized

Sea Grant Programs Stay Ahead of Emerging Issue – Catch Shares

Depending on where you are in the U.S., catch shares are either known as an effective tool for managing fisheries or a dirty word. As a management tool, catch shares are intended to hold fishermen accountable for meeting a conservation target, while providing greater flexibility to fish when weather and marketing conditions are best. Yet the success of catch shares may largely depend on implementation.

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