Riding the waves of scientific research amid a pandemic
The challenges that crashed on our shores with the pandemic taught me a great deal about adaptation, letting go of what is out of my control, and trusting the scientific research process.
The challenges that crashed on our shores with the pandemic taught me a great deal about adaptation, letting go of what is out of my control, and trusting the scientific research process.
As a Knauss Fellow and habitat science and policy analyst for NOAA’s Restoration Center, Zuzanna Abdala helped the host office find ways to showcase their technical assistance for restoration work.
As a Knauss Fellow working with the NOAA’s chief data officer, Chase Long worked on the data management strategy for the agency. During his fellowship, Long learned about recent federal policies driving NOAA’s efforts to make their data FAIR—findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable—like the Big Data Project.
Each HACCP class covers seven steps: identify food hazards, determine what steps can control these hazards, the critical limits needed to eliminate the hazards, and establishing monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification procedures, and record-keeping.