Coastal Communities

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Survey shows flooding risks and realities
in three Hampton neighborhoods

To document the flooding experiences of local residents, a research team surveyed three historic neighborhoods in Hampton, Virginia, that are vulnerable to flooding.The survey asked residents about their experiences with flooding and adaptive measures they have taken to increase their resilience. Homeowners also rated their ability to cope with flooding, and what flood impacts would cause them to consider relocation.

Coastal & Ocean Literacy, Coastal Communities, Communication, Education, Extension, Healthy Ecosystems, Homepage Feature, News

Carol Hopper-Brill says ‘aloha’
after 15 years as a VIMS marine educator

Carol Hopper-Brill retired at the end of June after spending 15 years on the Marine Advisory Program’s education team at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS). She has designed countless hands-on activities to bring marine science to life for educators, students, and the public.

Coastal Communities, Communication, Extension, Fellowships & Internships, Healthy Ecosystems, Homepage Feature, News, Research, Virginia Coastal Policy Center, Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship, Virginia Sea Grant in the News

Research, policy ‘paved the way’
for eelgrass carbon credits in Virginia

As water quality improvements allow seagrass meadows to survive and expand, carbon offset credits from registered projects could provide a funding mechanism for additional restoration work, said Karen McGlathery, lead investigator at the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research area, where the study was conducted.

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