By Katharine Sucher, Science Writing Intern
Virginia Sea Grant (VASG) welcomes Nina Ullom as a new office aide this summer. Her duties include assisting office members in day-to-day activities and conducting statistical research.

“I am most excited about doing research that will benefit the community environmentally and improving social media use,” Nina said
A native of Chantilly, VA, Nina will graduate from The College of William and Mary in 2015 with an undergraduate degree in sociology. On campus, Nina competes on the varsity track and field team and serves as outreach chair for Building Tomorrow, a non-profit group dedicated to building schools in Uganda.
After graduation, Nina plans to attend graduate school for marketing or management. She eventually hopes to work for an NGO or NPO that supports female empowerment and education. Even though Nina does not plan to pursue a career in environmentalism, she sees working at VASG as a valuable learning opportunity.
“I think this position will benefit me because I’ll see firsthand how [VASG] organizes multiple people and organizations to reach a common goal,” Nina said.