Community, Inclusivity, and Connection: The Women of the Water Conference
Community, Inclusivity, and Connection: Reflecting on the 2023 Women of the Water Conference By Kaitlyn Theberge | Virginia TechBy Hayley Lemoine | Florida
By Ashley Tims & Lisa Eddy | Virginia Sea Grant
Photo Above: ODU Fellows Alyssa Bucci, Jem Baldisimo, Zlatka Rebolledo Sanchez, and Ella DiPetto. Photo by Lathan Goumas/Virginia Sea Grant
Alyssa Bucci, a 2024 VASG Graduate Fellow, presented her research on tidal flooding in the Hampton Roads area and its impact on water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Alyssa Bucci presents her research during VASG Symposium 2024. (Photo by Lathan Goumas | Virginia Sea Grant)
The event provided an opportunity for fellows to highlight their work to a diverse audience of students, faculty, and researchers.
Zlatka Rebolledo Sanchez, a 2024 VASG Graduate Fellow, presented her research on carbon sequestration in salt marshes, specifically looking into improving management and conservation strategies.
Zlatka Robodello Sanchez, along with undergraduate researcher Grace Bannister, presents her research during VASG Symposium 2024 (Photo by Lathan Goumas | Virginia Sea Grant)
Community, Inclusivity, and Connection: Reflecting on the 2023 Women of the Water Conference By Kaitlyn Theberge | Virginia TechBy Hayley Lemoine | Florida
The Virginia Sea Grant Commonwealth Coastal & Marine Policy Fellowship has given me the opportunity to learn some more broadly practical jargon.
“We realized that the VA SEA lesson plan project could provide a great opportunity to create a lesson plan for K-12 students and teachers around the globe based on our current research. “
Armed only with a phone, visitors can use our tool to document coastal changes with repeat photography.
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