Bringing Local Talent to the National Level

Thomas Murray. ©Carly Rose/VASG
Thomas Murray. ©Carly Rose/VASG

Thomas Murray, Virginia Sea Grant Extension Leader, was elected in November to be Chair-Elect of the Sea Grant Extension Assembly. The national organization includes representatives from each Sea Grant program across the country. The Assembly works to connect the Sea Grant Extension programs and improve the delivery of science-based information to local, regional, and national groups.

To do this, Murray said, “You have to be mindful of the differences of this diverse group and settle on a highest common denominator. The Assembly supports and encourages innovative extension programming at all levels and increases cooperative programming and talent sharing within the network.”

Bringing diverse groups together to find common ground is one of Murray’s specialties. He’s credited with bringing together previously competing interests to preserve coastal access in Virginia and nationwide. He helped facilitate the establishment of marine trades organizations and curricula at local community colleges. In 2010, his home institution, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, recognized him for his outstanding work in reaching out and providing advisory services to Virginia’s coastal businesses and communities.

Murray’s term as Chair-Elect begins in January.