NMFS-Sea Grant Population and Ecosystem Dynamics PhD Fellowship
Deadline: January 29, 2016, 5:00 p.m. EST
About the fellowship
The NOAA Fisheries (NMFS)-Sea Grant Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics supports Ph.D. students who are interested in careers related to marine population and ecosystem dynamics with applications to living marine resources. The fellowship emphasizes quantitative marine ecology methods and skills. Candidate projects will focus on at least one of the following: 1) the population dynamics of living marine resources; 2) stock assessment methodologies; 3) marine ecosystem modeling; 4) integrated ecosystem assessments; and 5) ecosystem-based management of marine ecosystems.
The goals of the program are to 1) encourage qualified applicants to pursue careers in population and ecosystem dynamics related to living marine resources; 2) increase available expertise related to quantitative ecology for systems of living marine resources; 3) foster closer relationships between academic scientists and NMFS; and 4) provide real-world experience to graduate students and accelerate their career development.
The Fellowships can provide support for up to three years for highly qualified graduate students working towards a Ph.D. in quantitative ecology, ecosystem ecology, population dynamics or related fields of study such as wildlife biology, fishery biology, natural resource management, marine biology, quantitative ecology, applied mathematics, applied statistics, or simulation modeling. Each Fellow will be required to work closely with an expert (mentor) from NMFS who may provide data for the Fellow’s thesis, serve on the Fellow’s committee, and host an annual summer internship at the participating NMFS facility. Mentors will be from participating NMFS Science Centers or Offices.
Additional information
- Please see the Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO Population Dynamics) for additional details.
- Additional application information can be found on the NOAA Fisheries-Sea Grant Fellowship website: http://seagrant.noaa.gov/FundingFellowships/NMFSSGFellowship.aspx
- A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page has been added to the NOAA Fisheries-Sea Grant Fellowship website: http://seagrant.noaa.gov/FundingFellowships/NMFSSGFellowship/Application/FrequentlyAskedQuestions.aspx
Application submission
The deadline for applications is 5pm EST on January 29, 2016. Virginia graduate students must submit their application materials to Virginia Sea Grant via email to vsgproposals@vims.edu by the January 29 deadline. Guidance on application content is contained with the FFO.
The format of this application follows the guidelines for research proposals to NOAA, and thus may be somewhat unfamiliar to students. All potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Susan Park (spark@vims.edu or 804-684-7436) for additional guidance through the application process.
NMFS-Sea Grant Marine Resource Economics PhD Fellowship
Deadline: January 29, 2016, 5:00 p.m. EST
About the fellowship
The NOAA Fisheries (NMFS)-Sea Grant Fellowship Program in Marine Resource Economics supports Ph.D. students who are interested in careers related to the economics of the conservation and management of living marine resources.
The overall goals of the program are to 1) encourage qualified applicants to pursue careers in marine resource economics; 2) increase available expertise related to the economic analysis of living marine resource conservation and management decisions; 3) foster closer relationships between academic scientists and NMFS; and 4) provide real-world experience to graduate students and accelerate their career development.
The Fellowships will provide support for up to two years for highly qualified graduate students working towards a Ph.D. in marine resource economics, natural resource economics, or environmental economics. Each Fellow will be required to work closely with an expert (mentor) from NMFS who may provide data for the Fellow’s thesis, serve on the Fellow’s committee, and host an annual summer internship at the participating NMFS facility. Mentors will be from participating NMFS Science Centers or Offices. Fellows may work, as necessary, at the participating NMFS facility during some or all of the academic year at the mutual discretion of mentor, faculty adviser, and Fellow.
Additional information
- Please see the for additional details see the Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO, Marine Resource Economics).
- Additional application information can be found on the NOAA Fisheries-Sea Grant Fellowship website: http://seagrant.noaa.gov/FundingFellowships/NMFSSGFellowship.aspx
- A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page has been added to the NOAA Fisheries-Sea Grant Fellowship website: http://seagrant.noaa.gov/FundingFellowships/NMFSSGFellowship/Application/FrequentlyAskedQuestions.aspx
Application submission
The deadline for applications is 5pm EST on January 29, 2016. Virginia graduate students must submit their application materials to Virginia Sea Grant via email to vsgproposals@vims.edu by the January 29 deadline. Guidance on application content is contained with the FFO.
The format of this application follows the guidelines for research proposals to NOAA, and thus may be somewhat unfamiliar to students. All potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Susan Park (spark@vims.edu or 804-684-7436) for additional guidance through the application process.