VT Extension Partner to Help Validate Possible Antibiotic for Marine Aquaculture
Currently there are no approved antibiotics to treat diseases in marine aquaculture. VT and partners at Southern Illinois University Carbondale are working on it.
Currently there are no approved antibiotics to treat diseases in marine aquaculture. VT and partners at Southern Illinois University Carbondale are working on it.
This summer, there were some big blooms of the rust-colored algae, Alexandrium monilatum, in Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellow Sarah Pease is studying this algae and whether the toxin it produces could affect oyster or human health.
Learn about the phenomenon and one promising solution—and watch some neat underwater video.
With funding from NOAA, Virginia Sea Grant extension partnered with industry and other Sea Grant programs to develop and test new fishing gear to bring released fish below the surface and improve survival.