Field course equips teachers to share coastal science in classrooms
Virginia teachers dipped their toes in coastal science during a field course offered on the Eastern Shore in June.
Virginia teachers dipped their toes in coastal science during a field course offered on the Eastern Shore in June.
“We realized that the VA SEA lesson plan project could provide a great opportunity to create a lesson plan for K-12 students and teachers around the globe based on our current research. “
Communicating flood risk, calculating the benefits of a living shoreline, and understanding why consumers choose to buy different types of seafood — each of these require social sciences.
From the first competition in 1998 to now, nearly 2,000 students from 61 schools across Virginia have participated in the Blue Crab Bowl. This year’s competition, which runs Feb. 11-12, will include 70 high-schoolers from 13 schools.