Over the next 50 years the US Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Lynnhaven River Basin Ecosystem Restoration Plan (LRBERP) aims to construct or restore a combined 163 acres of habitat. Currently, however, the LRBERP does not account for rising global temperatures or sea level rise. Emily Egginton Skeehan of Virginia Institute of Marine Science plans to develop a modeling tool that would allow LRBERP to incorporate climate change adaptation into existing restoration plans. Her findings will provide guidance to USACE, Virginia Beach, and Hampton Roads Planning District Commission in steering more effective restoration efforts and policy practices now and in the future.
Fellow: Emily Egginton Skeehan (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Advisors: Mark Brush (VIMS), Carl Hershner (VIMS)
Outreach Mentors: Michelle Hamor (US Army Corps of Engineers), Benjamin McFarlane (Hampton Roads Planning District Commission