The Chesapeake Bay is more than just a scenic backdrop for many communities in Virginia; it is a source of food, creates jobs, and affects the economy. Michael Schwarz along with Michael Jahnke, Deidre Gibson, Andrij Horodysky, Daniel Kauffman, Robert Lane, Abigail Villalba, Stephan Urick, Karen Burns, Jovonne Vrechek will work together to create a program of Bay education for local citizens. Beginning June 2013, they will train Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Ambassadors (SFAAs) to deliver outreach and education on fisheries and environmental health issues. The SFAAs will work with the Virginia Aquarium and other members of the Hampton Roads community to teach citizens about the Bay.
Project details: Michael Schwarz, Michael Jahnke, Daniel Kauffman, Robert Lane, Abigail Villalba, Stephan Urick (VT), Deidre Gibson, Andrij Horodysky (Hampton University), Karen Burns, Jovonne Vrechek (Virginia Aquarium). Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Outreach, Education and Training for Under-Represented Groups and Aquaculture Producers.