By Sydney MaHan, Student Correspondent

A former U.S. Naval Officer with 22 years of naval service, George Wenn is a believer in life-long education. Since October, he’s been sharing his experience and broadening his skills as the new laboratory specialist at the Virginia Tech Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension Center (VTAREC) in Hampton.
“This position gives me the opportunity to observe, as well as work with, the top scientists in my field,” says Wenn. “The interaction of the science and the production of various fish can only benefit my future growth as a scientist.”
As a laboratory specialist, Wenn focuses on the water quality of the recirculating aquaculture systems used in fish trials. This includes maintaining the 450, 600, 950, and 10,000 gallon reserve tanks that supply water to the fish tanks. Wenn also ensures that the water in fish tanks is bacteria free and at acceptable temperature and salinity levels. That requires him and his colleagues to adhere to strict protocols concerning the movement of water from reservoir to reservoir, reservoir to tank, and tank to tank.
Wenn’s other duties include adding chemicals to maintain water quality and conducting observations to ensure suitable tank conditions for trial fish, rotifer, and artemia populations.
Wenn also has five years of experience maintaining pond systems and hot/cold water pumps at James City County Parks and Recreation. He will graduate this May with a bachelor’s degree in Marine and Environmental Science from Hampton University.
Virginia Sea Grant is proud partner of VTAREC.