
Fisheries & Aquaculture, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2011

Musick Takes Reins of Game Fish Tagging Program

Marine Recreation Specialist Jon Lucy retired in June after 38 years of service with VIMS and the Marine Advisory Program. Working with Claude Bain of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC), Lucy cofounded the Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program. This angler-assisted research program trains recreational fishermen to collect scientific data about the fish they pursue. As Jon’s successor, I joined him on a tagging trip in November on the Elizabeth River. We had a spectacular day for fishing and succeeded in tagging more than a dozen fish. I took the opportunity to ask Jon about his experience with the tagging program.

Coastal & Ocean Literacy, News, Uncategorized

Virginia Beach School Takes First at Marine Science Competition

For a record forth year in a row, Bishop Sullivan High School took top honors at the Annual Blue Crab Bowl on Saturday February 26. Students Walker Olsen, Cameron Forren, Mary Chang, Nathan Taylor, and Joe Brindenstine with their coach, science teacher Bill Dunn were awarded a Blue Crab Bowl Trophy to commend their success at the day-long marine science quiz tournament held at Virginia Institute of Marine Science (Gloucester Point).

Project Participants' Symposium, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2011

Second Annual Project Participants’ Symposium

About 100 Virginia Sea Grant researchers, staff, and partners gathered in Richmond on February 2 to share resources and experiences relating to their work with VASG. The symposium was followed by the Virginia Seafood Council’s annual Seafood and Wine Reception. VASG director Troy Hartley’s “State of Sea Grant” report can be viewed below, and more information is available on the Symposium web page.

Coastal and Marine Law and Policy Internship, Coastal Communities, Fellowships & Internships, Healthy Ecosystems, News, Uncategorized

Law Interns Investigate Marine Spatial Planning

During the Spring of 2011, Virginia Sea Grant continued its Coastal and Marine Law & Policy Internship. This year’s interns, second year William & Mary law students Jennifer Lonergan and Ryan Stephens, have been working on creating a comprehensive list of state, local, and federal officials who are important to marine spatial planning on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. This has involved building from the work of past interns, who began a database of contact names, email addresses, and phone numbers of people in Eastern Shore communities, Virginia State Government, and relevant federal agencies. Jennifer and Ryan identified relevant local officials, state agencies, and federal officials in order to find key players in the region who could be instrumental in the implementation of marine spatial planning. “This project has given me substantial insight into all of the different interests involved in policy decisions,” says Ryan. Ryan and Jennifer are both returning to their studies at William & Mary after the completion of the internship.

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