Fellowships & Internships

Education, Fellowships & Internships, News, Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2013

2013 Knauss Fellows to Serve in DC

Virgnia’s 2013 Knauss Fellows will begin their fellowships in February. Theresa Davenport will spend her Knauss fellowship as an analyst in NOAA’s Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation (PPE). She will help set the course for NOAA by helping develop a 5 year strategic plan for research and development and by helping the office stay up-to-date on emerging science and policy issues.
Davenport, who has a master’s in marine science from VIMS, says she is looking forward to being part of the team that helps shape NOAA’s research direction and helping ensure that the best available research i

Fellowships & Internships, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Healthy Ecosystems, Program Development Fund, Research, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2013, Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship

Graduate Research Fellow Raises the Profile of Viruses in Wastewater

Viruses tend to fly—or float—under the radar when it comes to most water quality standards, but Wendi Quidort’s research may be changing that soon. The Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellow, who is working towards her Ph.D. at Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), has been making some interesting discoveries about what viruses released from wastewater treatment plants might be doing in Virginia’s creeks and estuaries.

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