Coastal Communities

Coastal Communities, Extension, Fisheries & Aquaculture, News, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2013

Aquaculture Enterprise Budgets Help Crunch the Numbers

A new “enterprise budget” for Virginia’s oyster aquaculture industry aims to help lenders and potential aquaculturists better understand what goes into a successful oyster-growing business. The oyster crop budgets consist of a set of spreadsheets that allow users to estimate costs and earnings, along with a manual to help guide users through the spreadsheets. Enterprise budgets are widely used for traditional farm crops to help farmers and their investors make business decisions.

Coastal Communities, Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum, News, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2013

Sharing Flood and Adaptation Experiences in Hampton Roads (Forum 1: Nov. 16, 2012)

As Superstorm Sandy barreled up the East Coast at the end of October, a group of planners, administrators, engineers, emergency managers, and scientists in Hampton Roads found themselves in the strange position of postponing a meeting about flooding due to the threat of impending flooding.

Coastal Communities, Education, Events, News, Uncategorized, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin, Virginia Marine Resource Bulletin Winter 2013

Symposium Explores Colonial Roots of Virginia’s Climate Change Response

What do kings’ grants, imperialism, and British common law have to do with climate change? A group of lawyers, legal scholars, historians, and scientists came together to discuss them all at “History, Property, and Climate Change in the Former Colonies,” a symposium held in the Moot Courtroom at Washington and Lee Law School.

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