Coastal Communities

Coastal Communities, Fisheries & Aquaculture, News, Seafood Products & Safety, Uncategorized

Shellfish Aquaculture Continues Growth

Virginia’s shellfish growers sold 28.1 million oysters and 171 million clams in 2012, according to an annual survey of shellfish aquaculture operations in the state. Those numbers represent a 21 percent increase in oyster sales, while clam sales have remained fairly stable over the past few years.

The “Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report” has been produced annually by

Coastal Communities, Extension, News, Uncategorized

Working Waterfronts Toolkit Helps Local Communities Share Solutions

The National Working Waterfronts Network (NWWN) website has been expanded to include case studies, a searchable financing database, economic analysis, law and policy tools, and a historical overview of waterfront trends, all designed to help communities across the U.S. share problems and solutions for managing and improving their local waterfront infrastructure.

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