The National Sea Grant Office has released a federal funding opportunity for aquaculture conferences, workshops, training, and information special projects. This competition is only open to Sea Grant Programs, the National Sea Grant Library, and the National Sea Grant Law Center, which includes Virginia Sea Grant’s university partners and extension programs.
The National Sea Grant Office anticipates that at least $400,000 will be available to support proposals for conferences, workshops, and training and information transfer projects addressing regional or national issues with an emphasis on aquaculture. Applications must address the focus area of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, but may address additional focus areas as well. Additional Sea Grant focus areas are Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Resilient Communities and Economics, and Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development.
Maximum award request: $20,000
We welcome and encourage all applicants to contact Virginia Sea Grant to formally announce their interest as early on as possible, but a formal letter of intent is not due until April 29, 2016. The letter of the intent can take the form of an email to VSGproposal@vims.edu with a draft title, list of PIs and partners, and a one paragraph description of the project.
Final proposals are due to Virginia Sea Grant Monday, May 16, 2016. Please submit a final proposal, approved by your home institution’s office of sponsored research. Final proposals can submitted via email to VSGproposal@vims.edu.
Virginia Sea Grant will upload all applications by 11:59 pm, Eastern Time on May 20, 2016.
More information can be found at:
Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Sam Lake, Virginia Sea Grant Fellowship and Research Program Coordinator at sjlake@vims.edu, to discuss proposal ideas.