Virginia’s oyster aquaculture industry is growing, and there is extra pressure on oyster hatcheries to keep up demand, including better understanding how water quality affects production. David Kuhn along with Todd Capson, Brad Warren, Karen Hudson, Thomas Murray, and Joe Salisbury will begin an 18-month study in June 2013 to investigate how changes in water quality could affect production and create a comprehensive plan for hatcheries to manage around these fluctuations. They will also create an integrated extension program of workshops and online learning.
Project details: David Kuhn (VT), Todd Capson, Brad Warren (Sustainable Fisheries Management), Karen Hudson, Thomas Murray (VIMS), and Joe Salisbury (University of New Hampshire). Protecting Virginia’s shellfish aquaculture industry from acidified waters: a proposed partnership for the rigorous monitoring of seawater chemistry in VA shellfish hatcheries.